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20 Must-Know English Phrases for Business Meetings

Business meetings are an integral part of the corporate world, providing a platform for decision-making, brainstorming, and strategic planning. It often involves participants from diverse linguistic backgrounds, making clear and effective communication essential. 

Effective communication during these meetings is crucial, and mastering certain English phrases can significantly enhance your professionalism and clarity. Using the right phrases can help you articulate your ideas clearly, respond appropriately, and ensure that the meeting proceeds smoothly. 

Here are 20 essential English phrases for business meetings to help you navigate these interactions with confidence.

1. “Let’s get started.”

Meaning: Initiates the beginning of the meeting.

Example: “Good morning, everyone. Let’s get started.”

This phrase is used to officially commence the meeting, signaling to all attendees that the session is beginning. It’s straightforward and effective in capturing everyone’s attention, transitioning the group from informal chatter to the meeting’s agenda.

 By using this phrase, you establish a professional tone and show that you are prepared and ready to lead. It also helps in managing the schedule efficiently, ensuring the meeting starts on time. This can set a precedent for punctuality and structure, which are crucial for productive meetings

2. “Thank you all for coming.”

Meaning: Expresses gratitude for attendees’ presence.

Example: “Thank you all for coming. I appreciate your time.”

Expressing gratitude at the beginning of a meeting helps create a positive and respectful atmosphere. It acknowledges the effort and time participants have made to attend, which can foster a sense of appreciation and cooperation. 

This simple gesture can enhance goodwill and set a collaborative tone for the meeting. This phrase also helps in building rapport and a positive working environment, essential for effective teamwork and communication. Starting on a note of gratitude can lead to a more open and productive discussion, as attendees feel more connected and respected.

3. “Shall we begin?”

Meaning: A polite way to signal the start of the meeting.

Example: “If everyone is ready, shall we begin?”

This phrase is a courteous way to initiate the meeting, ensuring that all participants are ready to start. It shows respect for everyone’s time and readiness, making sure no one misses important information. Using a question form invites participants to confirm their preparedness, which can help manage any last-minute issues before diving into the agenda. 

This inclusive approach can improve the overall flow of the meeting, as it ensures that everyone is on the same page and ready to engage. It sets a collaborative tone, indicating that the meeting is a joint effort and that everyone’s participation is valued. This phrase also allows for a brief pause to address any logistical concerns, ensuring a smoother and more organized start to the meeting.

4. “The first item on the agenda is…”

Meaning: Introduces the first topic of discussion.

Example: “The first item on the agenda is the budget review.”

Clearly stating the first agenda item helps in structuring the meeting and sets a clear direction for the discussion. It ensures that everyone is aware of the topic at hand and what to focus on. This phrase also signals a shift in attention, helping participants to mentally prepare for the specific subject. 

It also helps in time management, as participants can anticipate the flow of the meeting and prepare their contributions accordingly. Starting with a clear agenda item sets a professional tone and demonstrates your preparedness and organizational skills.

5. “I’d like to discuss…”

Meaning: Signals the introduction of a new topic.

Example: “I’d like to discuss our marketing strategy for the next quarter.”

Introducing a topic with this phrase indicates that you have a specific subject you want to address. It shows that you are prepared and have a clear purpose for raising the topic. This approach can help in guiding the conversation and ensuring that important points are covered. 

It also demonstrates initiative and leadership, showing that you are proactive in contributing to the meeting’s objectives. This phrase helps in maintaining a structured and organized discussion, ensuring that the meeting stays productive and goal-oriented.

6. “Let’s move on to…”

Meaning: Indicates a transition to the next topic.

Example: “Let’s move on to the next agenda item, which is project updates.”

Transitioning smoothly between topics is essential for maintaining the flow of the meeting. This phrase signals that it’s time to wrap up the current discussion and focus on the next point. It helps in managing time effectively and ensures that all agenda items are addressed. 

This phrase can also serve as a gentle reminder to participants to conclude their points and move forward. It maintains momentum and keeps the discussion dynamic, which is crucial for covering all necessary topics within the allocated time.

7. “In my opinion…”

Meaning: Used to express a personal viewpoint.

Example: “In my opinion, we should increase our social media presence.”

Expressing your opinion with this phrase adds a personal touch to your contribution. It shows that you are actively engaged in the discussion and willing to share your thoughts. This phrase can also encourage others to voice their opinions, fostering a collaborative environment. It is important to present opinions respectfully to maintain a positive atmosphere.

This phrase helps in creating a balanced discussion, where different ideas and suggestions are considered. It also demonstrates confidence in your knowledge and insights, contributing to the meeting’s overall goal of finding effective solutions.

8. “I suggest that we…”

Meaning: Offers a recommendation or advice.

Example: “I suggest that we allocate more funds to research and development.”

Making suggestions demonstrates proactive thinking and a willingness to contribute to solutions. This phrase is useful for proposing new ideas or changes to existing plans. It can help in driving the conversation towards actionable steps and decision-making. Providing well-thought-out suggestions can enhance your credibility and influence in the meeting. 

It encourages others to consider your recommendations seriously and can lead to productive discussions on how to implement proposed changes. This phrase fosters a collaborative environment where constructive feedback and innovative ideas are valued.

9. “What if we…?”

Meaning: Poses a hypothetical suggestion for consideration.

Example: “What if we extend the deadline by two weeks?”

Using this phrase invites others to consider alternative solutions or approaches. It encourages creative thinking and problem-solving. Hypothetical questions can open up new avenues for discussion and help in exploring different scenarios. This approach can lead to more comprehensive and innovative outcomes.

It fosters a collaborative atmosphere where ideas are freely exchanged and evaluated. This phrase can help in identifying the best course of action by weighing various options and considering their implications. It also demonstrates your willingness to explore new possibilities and contribute to the meeting’s objectives.

10. “I agree with…”

Meaning: Expresses agreement with a previous statement.

Example: “I agree with John’s assessment of the situation.”

Agreeing with others shows that you are actively listening and valuing their input. It helps in building consensus and moving the discussion forward. This phrase can also reinforce positive ideas and support collaborative decision-making. Agreeing respectfully can strengthen professional relationships and team dynamics.

This phrase also helps in validating others’ contributions, which can boost their confidence and encourage further participation. Building consensus through agreement is crucial for effective teamwork and achieving collective objectives. It fosters a positive and cooperative environment where everyone’s input is appreciated and considered.

11. “I’m not sure I agree with…”

Meaning: Politely expresses disagreement.

Example: “I’m not sure I agree with the proposed timeline.”

Disagreeing respectfully is an important skill in professional settings. This phrase allows you to present a differing opinion without causing conflict. It shows that you are thoughtful and willing to engage in constructive debate. Expressing disagreement politely can lead to more balanced and well-rounded discussions.

It helps in fostering a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect. This phrase can also prompt further discussion and clarification, leading to better-informed decisions. It demonstrates your critical thinking skills and willingness to contribute to finding the best solutions.

12. “That’s a good point, but…”

Meaning: Acknowledges a point while presenting a counterpoint.

Example: “That’s a good point, but we need to consider the budget constraints.”

This phrase is effective for balancing agreement with constructive criticism. It shows that you respect the other person’s input while also offering a different perspective. Using this approach can facilitate open dialogue and mutual understanding. It helps in addressing potential issues without dismissing others’ contributions. 

This phrase encourages participants to think critically and consider multiple aspects of a situation. It promotes a balanced discussion where different viewpoints are evaluated and integrated into the final decision. This approach can lead to more comprehensive and well-rounded outcomes.

13. “Could you clarify…?”

Meaning: Requests more information or explanation.

Example: “Could you clarify what you mean by ‘optimized workflow’?”

Asking for clarification shows that you are engaged and want to fully understand the discussion. It prevents misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page. This phrase is particularly useful in complex or technical discussions. Seeking clarification can lead to more accurate and informed decisions.

It also encourages others to provide more specific information, which can enhance the quality of the conversation. Ensuring clarity helps avoid potential confusion and ensures that all participants have a mutual understanding, which is critical for effective communication and decision-making.

14. “Let me make sure I understand…”

Meaning: Ensures comprehension of the discussion.

Example: “Let me make sure I understand. Are you suggesting we revise the entire plan?”

Restating key points for confirmation shows that you are attentive and thorough. It helps in verifying information and avoiding errors. This phrase can also prompt others to provide additional details or corrections. Ensuring understanding is crucial for effective communication and successful outcomes. 

This approach also helps in identifying any miscommunications early, allowing for immediate corrections. It fosters a collaborative environment where clarity and accuracy are prioritized, contributing to more effective meetings.

15. “Are we all on the same page?”

Meaning: Checks for consensus among participants.

Example: “Are we all on the same page regarding the new policy changes?”

Checking for consensus helps in ensuring that everyone agrees and understands the discussion points. It is essential for making sure that all participants are aligned and that there is no misunderstanding. 

This phrase encourages participants to voice any concerns or questions, promoting transparency and inclusivity. This consensus-building approach helps in fostering a cohesive and unified team effort, which is crucial for achieving collective goals.

16. “To summarize…”

Meaning: Provides a brief summary of the discussion.

Example: “To summarize, we will proceed with the new marketing strategy and review the results in a month.”

Summarizing the discussion helps in reinforcing key points and ensuring everyone understands the conclusions and action items. It provides a clear and concise recap of what has been discussed, which is useful for maintaining focus and clarity. 

This phrase also helps in transitioning to the next topic or wrapping up the meeting. It promotes effective communication and accountability, as everyone is aware of their tasks and responsibilities.

17. “In conclusion…”

Meaning: Signals the end of the discussion and final thoughts.

Example: “In conclusion, the new project plan is approved and will be implemented next week.”

This phrase is used to wrap up the discussion and provide final remarks. It signals that the meeting is coming to an end and summarizes the key decisions and next steps. Using this phrase helps in providing closure and ensuring that everyone is clear on the outcomes. 

It reinforces the main points and highlights the agreed-upon actions, promoting a sense of accomplishment and readiness to move forward. This concluding statement helps in ensuring that all participants leave the meeting with a clear understanding of what was discussed and what needs to be done next.

18. “Any final thoughts?”

Meaning: Invites last comments before ending the meeting.

Example: “Any final thoughts before we wrap up?”

This phrase invites participants to share any last-minute comments or questions before the meeting ends. It ensures that everyone has had the opportunity to voice their opinions and that no important points have been overlooked. 

This inclusive approach promotes open communication and ensures that all concerns are addressed. It helps in preventing any lingering doubts or uncertainties, ensuring that the meeting concludes on a positive and complete note.

19. “Thank you for your time.”

Meaning: Expresses gratitude as the meeting ends.

Example: “Thank you for your time. This meeting is now adjourned.”

Expressing gratitude at the end of a meeting reinforces a positive and respectful atmosphere. It acknowledges the time and effort participants have invested, fostering a sense of appreciation and cooperation. This simple gesture can enhance goodwill and leave a positive impression. 

It helps in building rapport and a positive working environment, which is essential for effective teamwork and ongoing collaboration. Ending the meeting on a note of gratitude can contribute to a more motivated and committed team.

20. “Let’s follow up on…”

Meaning: Indicates the next steps and future actions.

Example: “Let’s follow up on this discussion in our next meeting.”

Indicating follow-up actions is essential for ensuring continuity and accountability. This phrase outlines the next steps and sets the stage for future discussions or actions. It helps in maintaining momentum and ensuring that decisions made during the meeting are implemented. 

This promotes a sense of responsibility and commitment to the tasks ahead. It also helps in keeping track of progress and ensuring that the team stays focused on achieving its goals. This forward-looking approach reinforces the meeting’s objectives and sets a proactive tone for future collaboration.

Business Meetings

Master Business Meetings with Confidence

Mastering the essential phrases for business meetings can significantly enhance your professional communication skills, making you more effective and confident in various business settings.

 From starting the meeting with a clear signal to wrapping it up with gratitude and actionable follow-ups, these phrases equip you to handle meetings with precision and professionalism. By incorporating these phrases into your vocabulary, you can ensure that your contributions are clear, respectful, and impactful.
At American English Skills Development Center Inc., we offer specialized courses designed to help professionals improve their business communication skills. Our expert instructors provide Contact us for tailored business English lessons that can support your professional growth.

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