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Our Services

We offer Online and Face to Face Class to all ages.

Speech Enhancement

Speech enhancement training, A practical experiential course to help individuals use English with greater ease and confidence, combining conversational English with accent training.

All packages including:

  • Pre assessment

  • Training needs analysis

  • Post assessment

Delivery of each training package can de done:

  • Face to Face

  • Online

  • Blended

Speech enhancement training cource

  • By the end of the course, you’ll have
  • Gained high awareness and confidence in communicating in Business and Conversational Enlgish with various audiences through different media (telephone, email, face-to-face, etc.)
  • Improved interpersonal and presentational communication skills for various business settings by speech enhancement.
  • Improved socio-linguistic competence in English for various business and cultural settings, including small talk for rapport/relationship-building, small group communication, negotiating, etc.)
  • Enhanced strategic competence by gaining new strategies for overcoming difficulties and challenges in communication
  • Installed processes for continuous learning and peer coaching
  • Improved intelligibility, comprehensibility and accent reduction

A practical experiential speech enhancement course to help individuals use English with greater ease and confidence, combining conversational English with accent training.

Who can take the speech enhancement course

  • Duration: 24-40 hours
  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Participants: Anyone who want intensive speech practice
Class Option

Customized Corporate Group 16 Hours, Customized Corporate Group 24 Hours, Customized Corporate Group 40 Hours, Customized Corporate Group 8 Hours

Class Schedule

Number of participants: 16-20
Enrollment Period: TBA
Class will start on: TBA
Time: TBA
Frequency: TBA
2 – 4 hours per day
6-12 sessions


Q: What is the focus of the course?

A: The course provides intensive practice on improving your speech , which means focusing on voice modulation, accent and pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, and overall personality projection.

Q: Who is the course for?

A: The course is for people who want or need intensive practice to improve their overall speaking ability in a short time, as, for example, people who need to do a speech or presentation, travel abroad for work, host guests from another country, or work with people from different cultures.

Q: What kind of preparation does the course entail?

A: Students are typically asked to do a 5-minute video before the course, which will serve as baseline. At the end of the course, you’ll be asked to do another video so you can assess what areas you’ve improved and what else you need to work on.


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Corporate Training