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What kind of activities do you do in Business English?

Buiness English (BE) is the standard business language of the twenty-first century. It is the language of science, industry, economics, diplomacy and all working professionals who are communicating in English (around the World).

“What activities do you do in Business English?” is a question that gets asked all the time. So, I thought I’d give my answer.


In today’s blog, we go over what you can expect from a Business English courses,  and why Business English matters so much.


Business English courses for working professionals and students most important activities are;

Vocabulary and phrases used in business and professional setting

Our business English courses for working professionals important activities are Vocabulary and phrases used in business and professional setting. The use of business vocabulary and phrases helps to improve the writing style and enhance the communication skills of the students and the employees.

Business English courses help you understand the jargon, vocabulary, and colloquialisms that come up in daily life in business and in the workplace.

Business writing

Business writing skills are an important part of business communication and an essential skill for any business professional to possess. They are also a very valuable asset for those who wish to improve their career and increase their opportunities for further promotion within an organization.

Most businesses nowadays have websites, blogs, and social media accounts. The challenge for students is to make sure that every written piece of content they produce for these mediums is clear, concise, and appropriate.

Business writing is the most important part of business because it helps the business to communicate with its customers effectively and efficiently. Writing in business requires one to be organized, methodical, and disciplined.

Delivering presentations

This is one of the first steps to mastering business English. If you need to give presentations or do business negotiations, you need to master the skills of good speaking.

A presentation is a way to deliver information, data, and results. Presentations may be formal or informal, but they always have a message to convey. Whether a presentation is for business, pleasure, education, or even just fun, the main focus is the information that needs to be shared.

In most companies, the most common tasks people are expected to do are writing reports, communicating with clients, delivering presentations, and managing projects. Of course, there are lots of different ways to do all of these jobs, but we all know that there are certain ways to do things. For instance, if you want to give a presentation, you’d probably start with a Powerpoint slide deck.

Giving opinions

We often see business English courses for students in college or school that are aimed towards helping students develop their written communication skills. However, the truth is that writing professionally in the workplace is an important skill for every business professional to master. Being able to express ideas clearly, concisely and in an organized manner is essential for any professional.

In fact, according to the Global Language Monitor, there has been a rise in the number of companies that are beginning to offer business English classes for their employees.

Business English courses for working professionals are important activities are giving opinions, and they’re critical if you’re looking to communicate effectively in business situations. Business English courses are designed to help you understand how to write business-related documents and emails to colleagues, suppliers, and customers.


Business English Courses for Working Professionals – Important Activities are Negotiating. Negotiation is a very important part of business life and therefore it is good that the business people should know about the techniques to negotiate with other people. Many students  want to know that how to negotiate. They know that negotiations are necessary part of any business.

I think it’s very easy to forget that we all negotiate in everyday life. We negotiate for everything from paying our bills to who gets what for dinner. And we don’t need a degree to negotiate. All we need is a little understanding of what negotiation is, and why it’s useful, and how to practice it.

Describing graphs and charts

Business English courses for working professionals should include learning how to describe graphs and charts. When you present information using graphs and charts, you need to explain what the graphs are showing and what they mean, but you must also make sure that they are easy to understand.

The language used in these descriptions must be concise and accurate, with no jargon or slang. To achieve this result, instructors should use a simple approach. Start with a general description of the graph, including the data values, and then describe the graph in more detail if needed.

Conducting and taking part in meetings

In the world of business, people conduct meetings on a daily basis and for all sorts of different reasons. Sometimes meetings are just part of everyday routine and they don’t necessarily require any special preparation or expertise. Other times, a meeting may be the most important activity of the day. In these situations, it’s essential that the participants be on their game and ready to give the best presentation possible.

In business, being able to speak clearly and succinctly is key. You’ll need to present yourself in a way that will make your audience want to listen to you and take action. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to learn how to speak in full sentences. Instead, learn how to express yourself in short and concise statements. The better you are at this, the more people will take notice of your speaking skills. 

Creating a Short Sales Pitch

Sales pitch is defined as “a short speech or statement, made usually in person, used to make or influence someone to agree to buy something.”

Selling is the process of convincing someone that they should buy what you’re selling. Whether you’re a professional salesman, a business owner trying to sell your product or service, or an entrepreneur just starting up, the main thing to keep in mind is that you must be able to sell yourself.

Selling is all about creating demand and converting customers. One of the most important skills for selling is to communicate your value proposition clearly, concisely, and convincingly.

So start off by learning how to write an effective sales pitch. You’ll learn a lot about your product and yourself. You’ll learn how to convince your prospective customers of the value of your product or service and, ultimately, you’ll learn how to close the deal.

How to Write an Effective Email

Business English courses for working professionals are important activities are email. Many of the business communication tools we use today, such as email and social media, are designed for consumers. In many cases, writing a professional email or text takes a lot more effort than it would to draft a tweet. But there is nothing to stop you from using these tools to boost your business, or even just to communicate with a colleague. 

Don’t forget to use your professional vocabulary. Remember, the same rules of writing apply to emails as they do to a formal business letter. Start with an interesting headline. Use strong, action verbs. Avoid using passive voice. Include key words in your subject line. And always follow up.

 To help you understand your reader better, consider how to write an effective email.

Mastering the Art of the Call 

A successful call requires effective preparation for the call. This includes choosing the right phone number for the company, creating and using a compelling dialing plan, and mastering the art of the call. This includes the art of listening. Most people aren’t naturally good listeners. They may think they are, but in reality, we’re all good at talking and bad at listening. A skilled caller is able to listen without interrupting. By asking open-ended questions, you’ll be able to find out exactly what your prospect wants and need.

Business English is not just a language class. It is a tool for success in business. Many students enter business English classes believing that they are there simply because they want to improve their language skills. However, they soon find that they are learning more than vocabulary and grammar. They are learning to work effectively in a business environment.

How to Keep Your Audience Engaged

It is very important to keep your audience engaged. When your audience is not involved, they will not listen to your message. One easy way to keep your audience engaged is to make it a point to mention the fact that they need to pay attention. Ask them if they understand what you’re saying.

Make it clear that you’re expecting their full attention. Do not leave a presentation to a group of people and expect that they will all follow along. Instead, make sure everyone understands your message.

Business English courses for working professionals important activities are How to Keep Your Audience Engaged. One of the most important aspects of keeping an audience engaged is to make sure that they have an incentive to pay attention. This is why it’s so important to choose a topic that is likely to interest your target market.

Once you’ve found a topic that appeals to your audience, you’ll want to make sure that your content always flows naturally and that there are no unnecessary distractions that keep your audience from reading and absorbing what you’re saying.

Understand Social Media Marketing

Business English is a skill that many business people need in order to compete effectively in the modern economy. In order to be successful today, individuals must understand the basics of social media marketing. Business professionals must know how to promote their business on the internet using social media tools, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

They must also understand how to interact with other users online, as well as create content that is useful to others. It’s the marketing channel that allows consumers to communicate directly with businesses. If people don’t see your business on social media, they may never know you’re there. It’s a powerful platform for building relationships with prospective customers, gaining referrals from existing clients, and growing your business.

Communicate With Clarity

Business English courses for working professionals can help to develop your communication skills with clarity, efficiency, and accuracy. These language skills can improve your ability to communicate effectively both at home and in the workplace.

If the point of your communication is to persuade people to take action, clarity is a critical element of your message. Without it, you won’t be successful in your attempt to get someone to do something. Clarity can be a tricky thing to achieve. It’s also easier said than done, especially if you aren’t a native speaker. There’s no easy fix for this problem. Clarity is a learned skill.

The key to becoming more fluent in English is to practice using the language, and to spend as much time as possible speaking and writing in English. To become fluent, start with a small amount of written and spoken practice every day. The best way to do this is to record yourself speaking and writing, and then listen to it.

Use of a Professional Tone and Voice

In business English, the tone and the voice you use in oral and writing can have a big impact on the impression you make on your listeners and readers. A common mistake is to use informal language when writing emails or messages. However, using informal language in formal letters or emails can come across as impolite and unprofessional.

A good approach to choosing the appropriate tone for your audience is to think about what you want your letter, email or speech to achieve. Is your letter or email to inform or instruct? Or is it to persuade or persuade? If you want to persuade someone to do something, you need to use persuasive language, and if you want to instruct someone, you need to use authoritative language.

Why Business English matters so much

Business English is essential because it’s a language everyone uses, and everyone knows the basics of it. While it’s often the case that native speakers tend to talk like businesspeople, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. If you speak business English, you’re more likely to sound professional and knowledgeable than if you don’t. Because businesses value being understood and having the confidence of their clients and customers, business English is something they appreciate.

Business is about words, and good words matter. Good business vocabulary can open doors, lead to relationships and partnerships, and help you succeed. At American English Skills Development Center Inc., we teach the importance of learning business language in terms of communicating, collaborating, problem-solving, and finding answers with a practical approach. Business language is the language of business, and you need to learn it if you want to work with people who speak that language.

In conclusion 

We all know that Business English has always been a necessity when it comes to communication. Whether it be in the office or online, people tend to use it because they feel that it is an important part of their daily life. This is due to the fact that Business English is very beneficial. For example, Business English allows us to be understood by those who speak it fluently. We are able to understand each other in different types of situations. Additionally, we are able to convey our message properly. All in all, Business English allows us to communicate effectively with others.

I hope this blog will encourage you to go beyond what you know and explore new opportunities, new horizons, and new experiences. You will find yourself in places where you could have never imagined.


Peter Buijs

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I am a proud blogger and company owner. I am managing, together with a great team of marketing specialists from GON all marketing activities for American English Skills Development Center and I am mostly working from home. When I’m not working, you’ll find me enjoying time playing guitar, traveling, diving and drinking a delicious Pale Pilsen beer which I consider the best beer in the Philippines. My biggest wish is to ride a big bike and buy a boat and sail to all 7107 islands in the Philippines. 

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